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Maine CPE Requirements for CPAs

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Our courses are accepted by the Maine State Board of Accountancy for CPE credit.  The State of Maine does not pre-approve either CPE sponsors or individual courses. Our courses are written and administered following guidelines published by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Maine State Board of Accountancy.  


You can read the full code @ 




Buy Maine CPE Credit Hours for CPAs

Fun Facts

Statistically there are about 1,306
CPAs in Maine


With a requirement of 40 CPE Hours, that means that MaineCPAs spend around 52,229 hours on CPE to maintain their certification PER YEAR!


Boeing 737s take about 5,500 hours to build, so if CPAs built airplanes instead of doing CPE, Maine would produce an additional 9 Boeing 737s a year!  That's over a month's production for ALL of Boeing's Plants Nationwide from Maine ALONE!


Cities in Maine with the most CPAs


..Portland ~ 66 CPAs (2,648 CPE Credits)
Lewiston ~ 37 CPAs (1,464 CPE Credits)

Bangor ~ 33 CPAs (1,322 CPE Credits)

..West Scarborough ~ 28 CPAs (1,108 CPE Credits)

South Portland ~ 25 CPAs (1,000 CPE Credits)
S. Portland Gardens ~ 24 CPAs (956 CPE Credits)
Auburn ~ 23 CPAs (922 CPE Credits)

Biddeford ~ 21 CPAs (851 CPE Credits)
Augusta ~ 19 CPAs (765 CPE Credits)
Saco ~ 18 CPAs (739 CPE Credits)

  • I have taken multiple courses from The CPE Discount Store.  They have great customer support and I received my certificate of completion on the same day.
    Bill P. - CPA - Richmond, New Hampshire
  • The CPE Discount Store offers a great selection of online CPE courses.   I was able to complete my course on my time frame which is a great way to take CPE.  Having the book as a reference for future work was also helpful.
    Tom N. - CPA - Longmont, CO
  • The CPE Discount Store course materials are very straight forward and easy to understand, I particularly like the website and customer follow up to my questions.
    Susan P. - CPA - San Diego, CA


Good course. Well written. EXCEPT, The authors slam on \'Democrats at page 11-11 was pretty stupid, immature and not welcomed. You can do better than that. For that one dig, you get 4 stars.

The course is worth the time and effort.
Love the courses. Wish there was more selection!

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