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Malware Trends & Mitigation Strategies - 6 CPE Credit Hours

Malware Trends & Mitigation Strategies - 6 CPE Credit Hours

Price per Unit (piece): $17.95

The malware and cybersecurity landscapes are constantly shifting in response to the actions of one another. On one side, cybersecurity experts are identifying, analyzing, and patching new forms of malware as consistently as possible so they can be detected by antivirus software and purged from infected systems before they can cause harm to their potential victims. On the other side, malware creators and cybercriminal organizations are constantly creating new malware, and altering old malware, to circumvent cybersecurity efforts and continue to infect as many computers as possible for a variety of purposes. This course will identify the overarching concepts that make up the current information security landscape. This course will provide an overview of the different types of malware that can infect a computer system as well as the different techniques used to conduct both phishing attacks and identity theft. This course will identify the general malware trends over the past several years and explain how the current malware landscape arrived at where it is today. Finally, this course will describe the most commonly seen pieces of malware from this year and provide both an in-depth explanation on how the malware operates and best practices to properly deal with each piece of malware.

Learning Objectives At the end of this course, students will be able to:

• Identify the importance of information security for CPAs and Tax Practitioners,

• Identify the different types of malware that can infect computer systems,

• Define the term “Phishing” and recognize how phishing occurs,

• Define the term “Identify Theft” and recognize how identify theft most commonly occurs,

• Identify the major malware events that have occurred in recent years, and

• Identify the operating processes and mitigation techniques for the most commonly seen malware programs of the current year.

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  • I have taken multiple courses from The CPE Discount Store.  They have great customer support and I received my certificate of completion on the same day.
    Bill P. - CPA - Richmond, New Hampshire
  • The CPE Discount Store offers a great selection of online CPE courses.   I was able to complete my course on my time frame which is a great way to take CPE.  Having the book as a reference for future work was also helpful.
    Tom N. - CPA - Longmont, CO
  • The CPE Discount Store course materials are very straight forward and easy to understand, I particularly like the website and customer follow up to my questions.
    Susan P. - CPA - San Diego, CA


Love the courses. Wish there was more selection!
This has to be one of the most poorly written courses I have ever taken. There were typos, conflicting answers in the review questions, poorly-worded statements and questions. I\'ve taken many better ethics courses over the years. This course was a disappointment!

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