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Getting Started in Financial Consulting - 20 CPE Credit Hours
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Getting Started in Financial Consulting - 20 CPE Credit Hours

Price per Unit (piece): $89.95

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Getting Started in Financial Consulting

ISBN-10: 0471348147


Each year, thousands of people from all walks of life leave the security of their nine-to-five jobs to pursue careers as independent financial consultants. For a great many of them, the experience is financially and personally rewarding beyond their expectations.

If you, too, are thinking about taking the big leap into becoming a financial consultant, but you aren't sure how to go about it, this book is for you. How can I be sure that financial consulting is right for my personality? What kinds of training and skills do I need to succeed, and how do I get them? What special licenses or certification are required? With the help of first-person accounts from successful financial consultants from across the country, expert Edward J. Stone provides complete answers to these and all your questions concerning:

-Organizing and structuring your business
-Indispensable software tools
-Services you can offer clients and why you should specialize
-Marketing your services, targeting clients, and building a solid core clientele
-Dealing with state and federal regulations


Customer Reviews:

christievarner  (Sunday, 18 March 2018)
Rating: 5
This was a very interesting & informative book. The chapters were short and well laid out.
The test followed the book easily so it was a great test to cover the material. Highly recommend!

test  (Tuesday, 24 May 2011)
Rating: 5
Great course in financial planning. The course materials were well planned and I had immediate results.

  • I have taken multiple courses from The CPE Discount Store.  They have great customer support and I received my certificate of completion on the same day.
    Bill P. - CPA - Richmond, New Hampshire
  • The CPE Discount Store offers a great selection of online CPE courses.   I was able to complete my course on my time frame which is a great way to take CPE.  Having the book as a reference for future work was also helpful.
    Tom N. - CPA - Longmont, CO
  • The CPE Discount Store course materials are very straight forward and easy to understand, I particularly like the website and customer follow up to my questions.
    Susan P. - CPA - San Diego, CA


Good course. Well written. EXCEPT, The authors slam on \'Democrats at page 11-11 was pretty stupid, immature and not welcomed. You can do better than that. For that one dig, you get 4 stars.

The course is worth the time and effort.
Love the courses. Wish there was more selection!

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